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I 'fall' is it already October?


I haven’t posted since the summer. Boy, a lot has happened since then.

I settled into a couple different jobs, alongside my internship at the Akron Museum of Art, exploring the vast possibilities a post-grad has at their disposal.

I have had several insightful moments about my own wants, desires and needs, as well as learning experiences within various social situations. I feel like though I had a solid foundation of babysitting jobs and commissioned artwork, these tasks never really fostered the ‘workplace’ environment. Sure, school may imitate aspects you may find, ranging from deadlines to social hierarchies. But, these assignments do not always teach you to be proactive when you are not told what to do. They also do not teach you how to tread the thin line between complex ‘workplace’ social dynamics.

I have been reading a book recently called “Who Says It’s a Man’s World” by Emily Benninton. My mother gave me this read upon graduating from college last may. I will admit that I decided to put the book off to the side, because I thought: ‘hey, here is just another feminist book on how women have to be hardcore and cutthroat to get what they want.’

Well, I was wrong. In her introduction she explicitly states: “…you may think this is another go get ‘em tigress guide … Well. . . .sorry. … This stereotype of take-no-prisoners alpha-femme, while promoted gleefully and relentlessly in the media makes for great entertainment, but it is deadly to your career in practice.”

So, with that my mind was changed about the book and I dove into it head first. I absolutely love every word this woman has to say about the way one ought to conduct themselves in the work place in order to get to where they would like to be.

Honestly, even though it is a book women may find more connections with, as it discusses things such as ‘mommy-guilt’, I find that the insight in this read can truly apply to anyone that wishes to reflect on their conduct and reestablish their approach to getting ahead in their career. She offers advice on how to attain the goals you set for yourself, by listening to your values and intentions.

I have also been learning to understand that after your academic career things take time. Patience is a virtue that I have never quite honed. But, the older the get the ore patient I need to be with myself, and my situation. All good things take time, so why do I always feel the need to rush. Well, its simple, because our society and work ethic is based on performance and if we cannot see the improvement immediately, we discredit all the small steps made toward sustainable progress in favor of the ‘easy-fix’.

I learned through my job at the rock climbing gym and my internship, that I absolutely love teaching people. Moreover, I love teaching and working with children. It fascinates me to watch the way they explore life. Although, there will always be the occasional moments of distress and aggravation with children.

For example, some children seem to find the notion of taking a squeeze bottle, filled with yellow paint, to be a perfectly acceptable play companion, while running around an art museum lobby. The result of this oh-so gleeful experience was having to cleaning up the yellow pain off the concrete lobby ground, and wondering why the heck this child’s parent was not present enough to keep them out of trouble, at a F****** art museum. I will forever be baffled.

Yet, working with kids I’ve found that the best way to calm down a group of 8 year olds is to lead a group stretch. I swear it is the one thing that can allow their eager little bodies to relax just long enough to have their attention focus on the words: “No running in the gym!”

While at the Akron Art Museum I was fortunate to work the project of redesigning their ‘family backpacks’. After researching several other museums that are known for their family programming. (Particularly several in England) I came up with three different themed backpacks. The first a longer country tale featuring ohio artists. The second a mystery case for our little detectives to solve and third a simple pack filled with activities for toddlers.

à If anyone visits the Museum with their family, please let me know if you enjoyed your experience while using the backpacks!

While on my first job at a country club, I also learned that I may not be the best waitress ever.

I think the realization hit me when I managed to walk over to a table of delightful mothers and proceeded to spill their vodka spiked Arnold Palmers . . . on their laps.

Luckily, they were kind enough not to rip my head off. Given that they had their swimsuits on, they simply said “well, that’s a real shame, cause they smell wonderful.” Honestly, I couldn’t have dreamed of a better response. Regardless, I was mortified. Bringing them their second round of drinks they thanked me, and I think I even received a small tip from several of the ladies, despite my terrible service.

That experience also taught me how to soldier on, because my day wasn’t even close to being over, and boy was it hot out. No only that, but I would have to walk past this group of ladies several more times in order to serve others at the pool. Every time I walked past them I was reminded of my clumsiness and could barely look their way. This is something I continuously learn through my jobs. You may make mistakes, but people generally will not hold them against you if you make the effort to show genuine remorse, and try to fix the problem you may or may not have created.

The authority I have to certify others at the climbing gym terrifies me, because I am responsible for allowing others to safely secure each other while climbing after they have taken a class with me. That is the most terrifying responsibility I have yet encountered. Given that, I can’t even being to fathom what it must be like to raise your own child and unleash them on the world once they are old enough to venture out on their own.

In any case, the people I get to meet and connect with differ every day. While teaching one couple I mentioned the sushi restaurant I worked at, because the lives in the area and then the very next day they showed up to say hi. This moment literally made my day, and it made me realize how much we can truly affect other people’s lives even in the smallest ways. Yoga has taught me to embrace gratitude and that strength comes from the furnace within. (Sure, I’ve known this and been told this my entire life, but it isn’t until you face life’s harder challenges that you really solidify the concept into a tangible and usable mantra) While I never really believed I’d become a ‘yogi’ it has happened and I am glad it has.

Although my internship has ended and I am now simply working until I begin my next one in Zurich this January. I realize that I really just need to take the time to enjoy myself in the moment that I am in life and enjoy those around me by showing them how much they mean. I can’t wait to live by the virtues, that I am continuing to build right now, in Switzerland when I head back. I look forward to finally being able to implement Bennington’s advice toward a true career path and for now will just try to being using her methods to sculpt a general picture of the place I see myself being in 15 years.

Maybe her methods can help me recognize how I would like to combine my passions into a sustainable career or lifestyle, while still in a transition to finding stability.

As fall approaches and the leave turn colors I absolutely love to loose myself in baking and cooking, so stay tuned for recipes to come.

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